M A Ł Y   C H Ó R

W I E L K I C H   S E R C

"Little Choir of Great Hearts"

"Little Choir of Great Hearts" is a choir of thirty children, ranging from 6 to 14 years old, affiliated with the parish of Our Lady of the Angels in the city of Lodz, Poland. Father Piotr Kleszcz is the founder and the leader of the group; he writes the lyrics and composes the songs performed by the choir. The ensemble has been active for the last three years, during which they gave 125 concerts.

The choir frequently performs in their native parish, as well as in other Lodz churches. They gave two concerts during the Lodz Days of the Family and one fundraising concert, the proceeds of which helped a girl named Beata, who was suffering from leukemia. In April 1999, "Little Choir of Great Hearts" performed in Munchen, Germany and a few Polish cities: at the City Theater in Gdynia, in Kolobrzeg at "Vacation with God" and in Glowno. The choir participated in the Eleventh Polish and Third International Festival of Children's Religious Song, where it placed third in two separate categories, and received an honorable mention from the Catholic Radio "Emaus" for song lyrics. In January 2000, the choir recorded two video clips for a children's TV program called "The Seed".

The choir maintains contact with an Italian children's choir, "Piccolo Coro Mariele Ventre dell'Antoniano", which originally inspired the formation of the Polish choir. Children, who sing in the choir, want to tell the world about Jesus. They do it very spontaneously, just like children do, giving their listeners a lot of joy, but also inviting them to reflect on their lives. The first CD, recorded by "Little Choir of Great Hearts" in November 1998, is but a small contribution to the glory of One and Only True God.

Translation by Justyna Beinek from Harvard University

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